What The Right & Left Got Wrong, And How A Joke — Became Reality

This is some what of a ‘coming out of the closet’ type of post.
Please read the whole article before you comment.
This is a story about how a video, inspired a joke - that inspired a generation.
When I was young, we (my family) grew up in a small town.
We eventually moved to a (what I, then considered big) big city.
Population Approx 190K.
Despite it being larger than we were used to, the city offered little enjoyment for a prepubescent boy with only girls and studies on his mind.
In the mid to late 90’s, card games such as Magic the Gathering were prevalent in culture if not noteworthy for popularity at least for nostalgia now.
A game I played and quite enjoyed throughout the years was Yu-Gi-Oh! (herein Yugioh)
I also played MTG (Magic, the gathering [keep up]) and DuelMasters and Pokemon but there was something about Yugioh that really resonated with me.
I was originally homeschooled, so a lot of my social time was being able to play Yugioh with friends in the neighbourhood or go to tournaments, where often I would place third or second. Rarely first, but I loved the game.
Secondarily my studies, often history.
Would lead me back to ancient Egypt, I would revel in the glory of the pharaohs, who dared to exalt themselves above kings.
My Parents were raised Roman Catholic and my studies of the Knight’s Templar, The Catholic Church and Rome, often returned me to Egypt.
Yugioh really plays heavily on Egyptian mythology as well as ancient Japanese mythology and combines the two in such a way that one could say, creates an inescapable nuance for the fans (of the manga & the anime).
Moving on, without much to do except study, chase girls and play card games my youth was very passive and mundane.
I got married in 2008 at 17 and celebrated my first sons birth a year later in 2009 and that’s when everything changed.
In 2009 we had the first coloured president in the United States, we had same-sex marriage recognized in Sweden and someone uploaded a funny little video of a frog screaming on a video-sharing site called youtube.
The video clicked for me, for one, my name is Righ (Ree), Yes, I know.
Secondly, I thought, wouldn’t it be funny if the frogs in Egypt screamed as they fell from the sky.
I then thought of Ancient Egypt and Yugioh popped into my head instantly, like it was meant to be. In Yugioh, they play a game (a shadow game) where tablets with creatures carved into them and these creatures battle.
It made me laugh, it’s kind of like meme’s I thought to myself.
Yugioh is a card game, literally pieces of paper someone has assigned value to, “like money” I thought.
Money makes people; fight, cry, die, battle…
Meme’s are a way of expressing yourself or targeting a specific emotion and conveying it in different ways. Sure there were political meme’s and sociological meme’s.
But what if meme’s could be weaponized, I mused.
A neuron fired, from a decade previous, to an obscure show I watched.
It (the show) was a cartoon segment from a children's program, the UN people VS the RE people.
This all came together as the greatest joke ever,
but it had to be told right. And this is where it got out of control.
Through my study of history I knew that the UN was tantamount to the creation of modern day Isreal. The people of Isreal were essentially stateless until such a point.
What if there were people all around the world who also felt stateless, nation less, or worthless.
What if there were RE people out there afterall?
Wouldn’t it be funny if the ‘Evil UN people’ were oppressing the ‘RE people’.
This gave me a brilliant idea “What if that’s what religion was. In a nutshell, real estate. Of the mind”.
What if you could make someone take up residence in a ‘STATE OF MIND”.
In 2013 I registered yugioh.ca shortly after learning KONAMI had to buy yugioh.com because the owner established that they owned the (Yu-gi-oh) trade mark but not the singular word yugioh. And this gave me courage for forgoing a future legal battle and I snatched up the domain for $12 CAD.
In late 2013/early 2014 I began spreading REE and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE meme’s online. Mainly on 4chan, reddit and warlight.net (now Warzone.com) where I continue to play/post to this day.
In 2014 I used a website called Fiverr to pay actors and people, considerably a bulk of whom were students to make videos.
These videos included people shouting “REEEE!” in class, in the drive thru, to fellow students and well just about anybody whom people on the internet deemed a ‘normie’.
Which has been broadened to include other niche areas of society.
I paid for a video from a man named Gordon, later better known as Tyrone.
I posted about the Egyptian deity KEK from my misinterpretations of hieroglyphics on an ancient Egyptian statue.
This spawned many people to create their own interpretations of what this meant. Some took it (albeit sarcastically) literally as a religion, some took it as an alt-right meme, some took it to a whole other level.
It became a ‘counter-culture’ movement so large the anti defamation league labelled the cartoon frog ‘pepe’ as a hate symbol. Because of it’s association with Alt-Right symbolism.
This is because a lot of people on the right, and also people who are posting ironically, attributed many fascist symbols and idealogies to the movement.
But this is also due to MSM reporting that is not only less than effective, its abusively false. (No I’m not crying “FAKE NEWS!”)
This is a typical problem in journalism, the journalist is not an expert on the subject they are trying to report on, it happens, journalists cover broad topics at times with which they are unfamiliar and do well, there are times however, when their performance is less than stellar. (like my Oxford commas, I’m sorry)
But that’s the evolution of the comedy, what started as a funny joke, was egged on by a crowd thirsty for more, by a sea of faceless frogs who dared to imagine that what they meme’d would become reality.
Then 2016 came.
And Donald Trump not only decided to run for president, but he got the Republican nomination, then the presidency.
And through this momentum was thousands of voters, students and foreigners who slipped to the edge of their seat watching a new reality unfold.
Delivered to us by jokes and comedy and as some could say, fulfilled prophecy that was foretold thousands of years ago.
(if you thought I was talking about trump, he was also prophesized, many, many times).
Because of left-wing censorship of right-wing ideologies branded as ‘hate-speech’ members of the right decided to make their own social network.
Gab uses a frog as it’s logo in a ‘hat-tip’ to the ‘war of 2016’ where we lost many great voices (online), these voices have all found a home in a school of thought and those schools have a home on Gab.
The same cannot be said about YouTube, Facebook, Google and others.
With the outcry of ‘fascism’ a typical left-wing stance, we seen a resurgence in American nationalism, and now, global nationalism as many people in many countries are choosing to be patriotic instead of malcontent.
Indeed it appears as if the counter culture is experiencing a resurgence, considering for the longest time it was typically liberal beliefs/values that were considered counter-culture, whereas now you’re seeing culture lead by (majorly) liberal moguls.
But that’s not all the MSM has gotten wrong about Kekistan and it’s purported followers. Many times the frog has been referred to as typically right-wing with it’s references to nazi symbolism and through association with MAGA supporters and the linking of the two in media.
It’s also a material misunderstanding of what the movement is in-whole and in-part. It’s missing the subtle nuance of comedy and sarcasm that the belief system was founded upon.
This movement seen an opportunity and capitalized on the momentum Trump was getting in the election, that by 2017 kekistan was already a name so commonly associated with the alt right that even Trump’s opponent, Hillary condemned the cartoon frog.
Because of it’s association with kekistan and kekistans’ outright support by the alt right, some of whom were also trump supporters.
Surprise, trump supporters are normal people, some are blacks, some are gays, some are white and some also like kekistan. Are there combinations of these attributes? most definitely, but to draw a clear line is just gaslighting.
You could very well say that Kekistan is the Bitcoin of religions.
Let me explain; Kekistan is essentially, whatever you want it to be.
There is no centralized control, its a decentralized religion.
In fact many athiest’s consider themselves Kekistani’s because it serves as a parody to modernized religion as a whole.
A lot of misunderstanding (regardless of willful ignorance) of the Kekistan movement stems from it’s association with the Alt-Right, with being the ‘Anti AntiFa’, and association with it’s birthplace on message boards, typically 4chan & /r9k.
Pepe was a cartoon frog from 2005, and was made popular long before the days of reddit. It was yet another symbol, hijacked by the movement.
That’s why the creator of the cartoon made a public disassociation with the alt-right.
And that is the great and horrifying theme of the joke.
We’re all living in a comedy, the joke is life.
Your job is to figure out whether you’re the one telling the joke, or the punchline.
← That’s the official/unofficial/no one gives a shit meaning of life →
The countless merchandizing opportunities already harnessed by others, seriously people are selling kekistan flags and ree shirts.
It’s seriously an amazing time to be alive.
The truth is there are lots of groups of people that feel stateless or like an outsider/underdog.
And the ‘cult of kek’ really appeals to the loners of the world who feel they belong somewhere, but also nowhere, and now ‘nowhere’ has found a home on the internet.
And there really is no one in control of the meaning or relevancy or even the hierarchy of society. The next generation is inheriting values that simply reject ‘social norms’ and ‘logic traps’. And that really is the meaning of life, participating in the ever evolving march of the youth in rebellion of what you accept as reality.
And that’s what the right and left have gotten wrong about the meme.
Kekistan, Kek, Pepe, Ree and every other meme is completely out of the hands of who created it.
Much like all the companies, money and social norms we have today.
In a few decades the global scale will change hands and new faces will be the judges of how society is balanced.
It’s not about sides. It’s about participation.
It’s about standing, even if it’s for nothing.